Periodontology is a branch of dentistry dealing with prophylaxis and treatment of periodontal and oral mucosa diseases.
Periodontium is a set of tissues that surround and keep teeth in the alveolus. The primary function of the periodontium is to connect the tooth with the bone tissue, protect against bacterial infection and preserve the integrity of the oral cavity.

Paradontosis is a common name for periodontitis. It is a chronic disease caused by bacteria in the gingival pocket that cause inflammation. Untreated infection leads to gradual destruction of the tissues surrounding the teeth. This can lead to deterioration of bone teeth, their loosening and even loss. Inflammation can also develop in the tissues surrounding the implants.

stomatologia warszawa implantdental
stomatologia warszawa implantdental

Factors that affect periodontitis include poor oral hygiene contributing to the development of pathogenic bacteria. A mineralized bacterial plaque, or tartar, is an excellent environment for bacteria that initiate the disease. The origin and development of periodontitis also depends on the immune response of the organism, which depends on the genes. Disease risk factors include smoking, diabetes, obesity, stress, osteoporosis, lowered body's immunity.

The onset of periodontitis is usually asymptomatic. The first disturbing symptoms that should be paid attention to are bleeding from the gums, most often during tooth brushing. Others include redness and pain in the gums, unpleasant smell from the mouth, lower gums and hypersensitivity of the teeth as well as their mobility.

Although periodontitis gives local symptoms in the mouth, it significantly affects general health. In people with periodontitis, there is a greater risk of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, premature delivery and low birth weight of the child. Untreated periodontitis complicates the course of diabetes.
The key issue in the treatment of periodontal disease is to maintain perfect oral hygiene every day. In our clinic, we pay particular attention to the individualized oral hygiene instruction for each patient, the selection of the right brushes, the brushing technique and the support preparations - gels and anti-bacterial rinses.

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In the initial stage of periodontitis , it is recommended to systematically remove tartar - as recommended by a doctor or hygienist, as well as follow-up visits where, in addition to the periodontal examination, hygiene instructions are carried out. In the case of more advanced periodontitis, when the pockets are deepened, a comprehensive periodontal treatment conducted by a periodontologist is indicated. It includes non-surgical treatment consisting in cleansing the pathological pockets of inflammatory tissue, cleansing the root surface from bacteria and bacterial toxins, and subgingival calculus. The aim of the treatment is to shallow the pockets and stop the bacterial infection. The procedure, also known as closed curettage , is performed under local anesthesia. It may also be advisable to take an antibiotic. If surgical pockets are deeper than 5 mm after non-surgical treatment, surgical treatment should be performed. It includes flap procedures in which gum is dissected under local anesthesia and root surfaces and bone are cleaned under eye control. Such treatment can also be combined with bone regeneration. For this purpose, regenerative preparations are introduced into the bone defects caused by periodontitis, which help to rebuild the tissues surrounding the teeth.

In our clinic we also deal with the reconstruction of soft tissues. Treatments include dilation and thickening of the gums, treatment of gum recessions as well as gum surgery. We also deal with the treatment of lesions on the oral mucosa.
