In our clinic we use biostimulation and diode lasers.
What is laser biostimulation?
It is stimulation of biological changes in cells and tissues under the influence of laser radiation of low and medium power (6-500mW). Following the absorption of laser radiation in the tissues, biochemical reactions are triggered which lead to anti-inflammatory, analgesic and stimulation effects. During laser biostimulation, bone and gingival cells are stimulated, tissue renewal and collagen synthesis are accelerated. It can be used as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontal disease as well as to reduce pain after surgery, alveolus after tooth extraction, treatment of trismus and paresthesia.
implantdental wybielanie zębów
Diode laser is used in surgery, provides bloodless treatments and precise tissue preparation. It is also used to relieve tooth hypersensitivity and, in endodontics, to disinfect root canals.