Proper radiological diagnosis is the basis for effective treatment. It is an indispensable element of treatment allowing to diagnose the cause of the ailments and plan the therapy.

X-ray diagnostics is a non-invasive imaging examination that can detect irregularities within the teeth, bones and soft tissues. In our clinic you can perform X-ray of a single tooth, a pantomogram, a tomography picture - of facial skeleton, jaw or lower jaw and a cephalometric photo - tele side.

implantdental diagnostyka radiologiczna
The VATECH PAX-I 3D GREEN tomograph used by us uses ultra-low dose radiation technology. It is the first CBCT device on the market that has a radiation exposure time of 5.9 s. As a result, the number of moving artefacts is significantly reduced, the resolution and legibility of the image are increasing. These parameters predispose the system to perform tests in children.