What is an implant?

The dental implant replaces the missing tooth root. It is made of titanium, which is biocompatible with the human body and allows the connection of the implant with the bone. The implant introduced by the dentist is a stable foundation for the crown, which will be a visible part of the new tooth. The process of implant integration with the bone called osseointegration usually takes from several weeks to 6 months. After this time, it is possible to perform the final prosthetic restoration - a crown, a bridge or a prosthesis, which is fixed on implants. Immediately after the procedure, in most cases it is possible to make a temporary crown on the implant introduced.

stomatologia warszawa implantdental
At present, the missing teeth complement with a dental implant seems to be the most effective method that brings the most benefits to the patient korzyści :
  • provides a natural and beautiful smile 
    The dental implant is invisible and the crown on the implant is designed to be indistinguishable from adjacent teeth.
  • implants restore the proper function during speaking and eating
    Patients who use removable dentures very often pay attention to discomfort when using prostheses. It is problematic to have a mobile prosthesis, which in many situations such as speaking or eating may not be stable. This may lead to the abandonment of favorite dishes, worse taste and temperature feeling, problems with pronounced speech, mucous membrane injuries and limitation of social contacts. Dental implants, unlike mobile prostheses, are like natural teeth, they completely restore the proper function of speaking and eating, and the patient forgets that they are in the mouth.
  • the adjacent teeth remain intact and the oral mucosa is free from injuries
    In the case of missing tooth complement with the bridge, the teeth adjacent to the gap must be grinded. Such treatment may weaken them. The settling movable dentures in contrast to stable implants act traumatically on the teeth and mucous membrane.
  • they are a safe and durable solution
    Dental implants have been used successfully for more than half a century. During this time, many studies have been carried out that describe the safety and stability of implant treatment. Modern implants with a specially manufactured titanium surface can serve the patient for many years, even for the rest of their life. It is necessary to properly care for implants, care for oral hygiene and periodic checks in the dentist's office.
  • profitability
Treatment with implants is a long-term investment in health and well-being. Compared to other ways of rebuilding, costs may initially seem higher. However, the lack of missing teeth associated with gradual bone loss, the loss of more and more teeth, dysfunctions in the temporomandibular joints can make later treatment more expensive in the long term.
implantdental diagnostyka radiologiczna
What does implantological treatment look like?

Consultation is carried out on the first visit.On the spot in the clinic it is possible to perform computed tomography of jaw bones. On the basis of a medical history, oral cavity examination and CT examination, the doctor evaluates the possibility of future implantation and sets up a treatment plan with the patient. Analysis of the CBCT image (3D image) provides the physician with a lot of information about the amount of bone tissue, its quality and also allows to ideally plan the location of future implants. In a situation where the bone conditions allow surgery and there are no medical contraindications, the treatment is scheduled for surgery.

In the absence of bone tissue , early bone regeneration or other treatments such as lifting the bottom of the maxillary sinus may be required. Such activities may extend the duration of treatment. The procedure of implanting is painless , carried out under local anesthesia and lasts usually from 30 to 90 minutes. It is also possible to perform the implantation under general anesthesia. The procedure of implant placement is completed by the implantation of the implant screw and the application of sutures, which are usually removed after 7-10 days. In many cases, it is possible to immediately put a temporary crown on the implant. Integration of the implant into the bone takes from several weeks to 6 months. After this time, it is possible to perform the final prosthetic work.

implantdental stomatologia estetyczna
How to care for implants?

Just like your own teeth, implants should be properly cared for. The key is to maintain proper oral hygiene and control visits in the office, which are set individually by a doctor or a hygienist. At the check-up visit, the dentist checks the implant's stability, assesses the condition of the gums and bones that surround the implant. The assessment of hygiene and oral hygiene instructions are also carried out.
